To order the services of a translator (linguistic company), it is enough to place an order, describe the task and requirements in it, and the translators, as well as the companies, will respond to your order themselves, you will only have to choose the most suitable offer.
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• Public profiles of translators and language companies: Will help you minimize risks and select the best professional contractor;
• Payment without intermediaries: You should pay only for high-quality translation of documents.
Ladies and gentlemen,
My name is Marina and I live in Wismar, Germany. I need to translate and certify three documents from Ukrainian into German:
1. Work record book.
2. Confirmation of work experience.
3. Confirmation of self-employment.
Please provide a commercial offer indicating the cost and timeframe for translation of these documents. Please also indicate whether you provide certified translations accepted by German government agencies.
Thank you for your prompt response
Good evening, I need to transfer the original document about the transition from Ukrainian to Czech language to a confirmed person, so that I can send you a photo of the document and after transfer, cancel it for delivery?
Good afternoon! We can help with the translation. Upload a photo of the document to Viber (0500734515) or email address
Good afternoon!
My name is Alina, I am a translator with over 2 years of experience. I am currently looking for opportunities to collaborate in the translation field.
My working languages are English (C1) and Russian (native). I also understand French (A2-B1 level) and am learning Romanian (A2), but I have not worked with these languages yet.
I have done translations for IT companies, marketing projects, literary texts and collaborated with translation agencies as an editor.
In my work as a translator, I value and love clear deadlines and always strive for the ideal result.
I will be glad to receive orders
Best regards,
Good evening, I would like to transfer a document from German to Ukrainian, please confirm.
Good afternoon! We can help with the translation. Upload a photo of the document to Viber (0500734515) or email address
Good day!
My name is Anatoly. I need to translate the certificate about love into English language. Can you see this translation tomorrow? Please let me know the varty and the mind of the victor.
Dyakuyu for vidov!
Good afternoon! We can help with the translation. Upload a photo of the document to Viber (0500734515) or email address
Hello, I need to translate my child's birth certificate from Ukrainian to German, can you help?
Good day. We can help, but we are in Moscow.
Need a guide-interpreter in Slovenia, for translation for the first half of the day 19/12/2024
Subject: conversation with a broker in the port of Koper. Perhaps you can recommend someone?
Translation of marriage certificate required. Into German
Good day. I can take you on. Write to me. — we'll discuss everything.
Contact the National Translation Bureau in Odessa, we are always happy to help
It is necessary to translate the certificate about the people into German language.
Good afternoon, our phone number for orders: +373 69 061 498
It is necessary to translate information text for the website From Russian into German, English and Chinese.
I can take you on. Write to me. — we'll discuss everything