Before starting a translation project, it is important to ask the client several key questions to ensure high quality translation and to meet all the client's requirements. Here is a detailed list of questions:
1. What is the purpose of the translation and who is its target audience?
- This will help you determine the style and tone of the translation, as well as choose appropriate terms and expressions.
2. What is the project completion time frame?
- Knowing deadlines allows you to plan your work correctly and avoid delays.
3. Do you have a preference for the style and tone of the text?
- For example, the text should be formal or informal, technical or marketing.
4. Do product and brand names need to be translated?
- Some companies prefer to leave their names in the original language, others prefer to translate them.
5. Do you have a glossary or terminology database that should be used?
- This helps maintain consistency of terminology in translation.
6. What file format do you prefer for the finished translation?
- This can be DOCX, PDF, XLSX or another format convenient for the customer.
7. Are there any special requirements or instructions for this project?
- For example, the use of certain programs, compliance with specific standards, or the presence of additional checks.
8. How should you address the reader - formally or informally?
- In some languages, there are differences between formal and informal address, which affects the perception of the text.
9. Where, when and how will the translation be used?
- This is important for understanding the context and adapting the text to specific conditions of use.
10 Do you have budget constraints?
- This will help to identify possible work options and avoid misunderstandings.
These questions will help you better understand the customer's needs and deliver a high-quality translation.
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