What is a certified translation and when is it needed?

A certified translation is an official translation of a document that is certified by the signature and seal of the translator or translation agency. Such a translation confirms that the text is fully consistent with the original and was performed by a qualified specialist.

When you need a certified translation:

  1. Visa applications: To apply for a visa to various countries, certified translations of birth certificates, marriage certificates, diplomas and other documents are often required.
  2. International agreements: When concluding contracts with foreign companies, it is important to have an officially certified translation of documents to avoid misunderstandings.
  3. Court cases: In international litigation or when submitting documents to a court in another country, a certified translation of all materials is required.
  4. Education abroad: Foreign educational institutions often require translations of certificates, diplomas and references certified by a professional translator.

How to get a certified translation:

  1. Contact a translation agency: Choose a reputable translation agency that provides certified translation services.
  2. Provide original documents: For translation it is necessary to provide originals or certified copies of documents.
  3. Get a certified translation: The translation will be certified by the signature and seal of the translator or translation agency, which will give it legal force.

If you have specific documents that need to be translated, it is best to check the requirements with the requesting party in advance to ensure that the certified translation will meet all the necessary standards.

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